What is Sensimilla?

What is Sensimilla?

By Lydia Kibet

Marijuana consumers in America and different parts of the world are a lucky breed.

If you live in a state where the herb is legal, you can easily access high-quality weed that surpasses previous generations.

Today, the big question remains, is cannabis more potent than the past years?

Well, the answer could be yes or no. As of today, you’ll now find weed with up to 30% THC content, which was not there before.

On the other hand, a 2012 study conducted by Cascini.F. et al., published in Current Drug Abuse Reviews, found that there has been a recent and consistent increase in cannabis potency globally. Older marijuana examined at the University of Mississippi was less potent than today’s weed by 57%.

Perhaps, storage was a major issue back in the day. When we talk about potency, we refer to the THC level. When cannabis is stored inappropriately, it degrades the THC content, hence the less potency. 

While sensimilla may seem to be a weed strain to many, this is not the case. In this article, we’re going to talk about sensimilla and how we first gained access and how to grow it.

So, what exactly is sensimilla?

Surprisingly, the majority of people don’t know what sensimilla is. Some people think it is a specific strain of cannabis.

However, one school of thought suggests that it is a top-shelf marijuana without seeds that is taken care of cautiously.

In reality, sensimilla is Spanish and it means “without seeds.”

It is a highly potent marijuana without seeds – where a female plant is left unfertilized only to produce flowers and not to progress to produce seeds.

Its unfertilized state enhances the production of higher levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) that renders the psychoactive effects commonly known as a ‘high’.

The History of Sensimilla

While marijuana existed and has been grown for the past thousand decades, and was legal, it was outlawed in the western part of the world in the mid-20th century.

For that reason, only a few people in the 1960s took the risk of growing marijuana in America and Europe. As a result, breeders began taking weed seeds from Asia and smuggled marijuana from India, Thailand, Jamaica, Mexico, Pakistan, and Colombia.

It was only a matter of time when seedless marijuana became better known, and breeders came to know about ‘sensimilla.’

It was by far the best weed compared to what they were receiving when it comes to quality.

Back then, sensimilla was illustrated as a female marijuana plant that was prevented from coming into contact with the male plants to prevent pollination. As a result, the technique prevented female plants from producing seeds.

The logic behind the sensimilla growing technique made the unfertilized female flowers have high amounts of resin and developed more branches in clusters.

The growing method is thought to have begun in the mid-1970s in the West. Cannabis breeders were thrilled to find that sensimilla had a higher concentration of THC and other sought-after cannabinoids.

Sensimilla and the Modern Era

Today, marijuana users are spoilt for choice with the massive array of top-shelf cannabis buds available in cannabis dispensaries, unlike the past, where people could depend on substandard schwag that was smuggled into the country illegally.

Due to the recent legalization of medical and recreational marijuana in different parts of the world, it has contributed to the high-quality weed on the market.

If we brought a 1970s weed grower to the modern marijuana industry, the grower would perhaps produce exceptional weed from seeds smuggled from Colombia. Today, with users becoming pickier when choosing weed strains, it is pretty easy to grow top-quality marijuana.

How to Grow Sensimilla

Now that you know what sensimilla is, perhaps, you’re thinking of growing it and have a taste of a high-THC bud.

But, marijuana cultivation can be intimidating, especially for beginners in the block. However, we’re going to explain step-by-step to get started the right way.

As mentioned earlier, sensimilla is a form of marijuana plant without seeds.

Therefore, the goal of growing sensimilla is to prevent the female marijuana plant from coming into contact with pollen from the male plant. The rationale behind the unfertilized female plant is to produce high levels of resin, thus highly potent buds.

Usually, the pollen from the male marijuana plants fertilizes the female plant to produce seeds.

But, when male plants are removed from the growing site, it prevents the pollination. In reality, the energy that would have been used by the female plant in the seed production will be put into use to produce high levels of resins and THC – which means more potency.

Sensimilla Setup – What You Need

First, you need to find out the laws regarding marijuana in your state before getting started.

In the US, marijuana cultivation is subject to strict state regulations.

That’s why it is vital to familiarize yourself with your state laws around growing weed before going ahead. If it is legal, you need to find the necessary tools and equipment.

Depending on the medium you’re going to use (soil or hydroponically), supplies may vary. In this article, we’ll explain using soil as our growing medium.

The necessary supplies you’ll need include high-quality soil, feminized seeds, fertilizers, pots, pruning shears, among others.

But again, you might be asking yourself if to grow sensimilla indoors or outdoors. Well, expert marijuana growers would recommend indoor cannabis growing to avoid the risk of pollination. Check out the steps below:

#1 Germination

First, germinate the feminized seeds – whereby the seeds develop into a plant with the help of water.

To start the germination procedure, put the seeds in a glass filled with tap water and allow it to sit for 15-18 hours.

Once all the seeds have sunk to the bottom, pour the glass of water with seeds in a paper towel.

Then heat the towel with a bowl on top to trap the moisture. Keep checking the seeds after every 5 hours for one day while being careful not to overheat as this will kill the seeds. Once the seeds produce taproots, then, the next step is transplanting.

#2 The vegetative phase

Now that your germinated seeds are ready, transfer them to a soil pot while watching not to overcrowd them.

The soil should have a blend of nitrogen and potassium fertilizer to promote faster growth.

At this point, the plants will grow into the vegetative phase and may need enough space. Therefore, transferring them into bigger pots is recommended.

During the vegetative phase, it is vital to prune the plants to maintain their height and allow free flow of air. Watering should also be done regularly, but be careful not to overdo it.

#3 Identify and remove all of the male plants

This is the most critical stage of growing sensimilla where you need to identify and remove all male plants to avoid the risk of pollination.

You can easily identify the male plants by looking at the following physical features:

  • Males plants have broad, stronger stalks and fewer leaves compared to female plants
  • Check the nodes – this is where the leaves and the branches lengthen outwards from the stalk
  • Male plants have pollen sacs meant to transfer pollen for fertilization while female plants have a stigma that receives pollen

After 4 weeks into the vegetative phase, marijuana plants are in the “pre-flower” stage whereby you cannot see the flowers with a naked eye because they are so tiny.

With the help of a magnifying glass, you can also see small pollen sacs in male plants and bracts in female plants.

Now that you’ve identified male plants, it’s time to remove them from the growing area. Using pruning shears, cut it off 6 inches from the ground and keep them far away from the females.

You might be wondering why we don’t just pull out the male plants from the soil. This is because you’ll disturb the roots of the female plants. For that reason, cutting the stalks would maintain the growth and development of the female plants.

By removing the male plants, you’ll have acted before it’s too late to prevent pollination. At this stage, the plants are ready to flower.

#4 The flowering stage

During the flowering stage, sensimilla plants don’t need pruning anymore.

Feeding the plants with potash and phosphorus allows them to develop studier and healthier flowers. Do not water the plants during the flowering stage. 

While the plants end up drying, this will cause the plants to produce massive amounts of resin. 

#5 Harvesting sensimilla bud

Experts recommend harvesting sensimilla plants by cutting the stalks 6 inches above the ground.

After harvesting, drying and curing the buds is the next step. You can either hang the branches while facing upside down or use drying racks. Keep in mind the longer the drying process takes, the higher the potency.

Once you’re done with the drying process, place your sensimilla buds in sealed airtight containers and store them in a cool, dry place.

However, you need to open the containers for the first few weeks to allow moisture to escape. After 4-6 weeks your buds will have cured fully and there you go. Enjoy your first hit!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Sensimilla

What does sensimilla mean?

Sensimilla is a highly potent type of cannabis that has no seeds. It refers to a female marijuana plant that is not allowed to come into contact with the male plant to prevent fertilization. For that reason, sensimilla plants are known for a high concentration of resins and THC.

Is sensimilla indica or sativa?

The answer to this question is unclear because sensimilla could either be Indica, Sativa, or hybrid so long as the seeds are feminized.

When was sensimilla first developed?

It is believed sensimilla became better known in the mid-1970s. However, the year it was developed is still unclear.

Why is sensimilla more potent than seeded cannabis?

Three reasons explain the high potency levels in sensimilla.

First, seedless marijuana contains higher concentrations of THC compared to seeded cannabis.

Second, plants used in making sensimilla seeds have been selected carefully.

Third, the energy that could be used in the production of seeds is utilized in producing large dense buds.

As a result, sensimilla translates to more robust characteristics.

Wrap up on Sensimilla

It shouldn’t be a surprise today to find everyone looking to get their hands on sensimilla buds.

Today, sensimilla is not such a rare plant. Due to the modern-day sciences, cannabis growers can ensure that marijuana plants are entirely female by utilizing hydroponic techniques, regulated greenhouses, and the ability to get female clones of feminized seeds.

Besides, indoor growing is perfect because plants grown outdoors have been known to fertilize accidentally with male plants.

Finally, sensimilla remains to be a highly sought-after plant due to its reputation, which isn’t surprising when keeping in mind their high-quality yield.


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