The 5 Best Plant Nutrients for Sale in 2021

The 5 Best Plant Nutrients for Sale in 2021

By Lydia Kibet

The current shift from growing plants outdoors to indoors is rapidly increasing.  

The downside of this trend is that most plants lose essential nutrients, leading to low productivity. After testing several plant supplements, we identified five of the best plant nutrients to boost your plants’ yields. The products are:

  1. Lotus nutrients starter kit
  2. Coco-wet wetting agent
  3. Spray-n-grow micronutrients
  4. Raw-B Vitamin (by NPK industries)
  5. Lotus nutrients grow pro series

The 5 Best Plant Nutrients in 2021

1. Lotus nutrients starter kit

The Lotus nutrients starter kit is handcrafted to make the process of growing plants easier.

Unlike other growing starter kits that can only support the plant at a particular growth stage, the Lotus kit supports the plant through growth stages.  The nutrients starter kit comes in three forms; grow, boost, and bloom. 

Lotus Pro Series Grow 16oz.

The Lotus Pro Series Grow is the ultimate choice for all your growing needs. This formulation ensures that your plants get the rare glow characterized by rapid vegetative and lush allure.

Using this formulation makes the plant’s stems thick and robust. The formulation is also responsible for dense canopy, strong root system, and tight internodal spacing. A plant that grows with these features ends up being highly productive. 

Lotus Pro Series Boost 18oz

What comes to your mind when the word “Boost” is mentioned? The Lotus Pro Series Boost is the exemplification of power and endurance. This magic wand is the perfect choice for optimizing your plants’ size and the density of flowers. Using this boost is also vital for maximizing oil production, making yields more potent and tasty. 

Lotus Pro Series Bloom 16oz

With the Lotus Series Bloom supplement, you don’t have to worry about the plants flowering. The supplement ensures that the flowers grow strong, resulting in high yields. Spraying plants with this booster keep the flowers dense and increases overall productivity.


  • The starter kit supports the plant through its entire lifecycle.
  • The nutrients in the supplements under this kit can support different plants.
  • There are no known long-term effects of using the supplements in the plant.


  • The supplements do not protect the plant from attacks by pests and diseases.

The versatility, high nutrients levels, and safety of the supplements make them the kit ideal for plants from the vegetative stage to fruition. However, if you are looking for a pesticide, this kit is not for you.

2. Coco-wet wetting agent

The Coco-wet wetting agent is one of the best innovations that have ever graced the field of farming.

This agent is designed to absorb any chemical applied on the plant surface. The manufacturers of Coco-wet took time to understand the concept of using chemicals on plants and how to mitigate wastage.

The agent lowers the surface tension between the plant surface and the chemical compound sprayed on the plant. The low surface tension ensures that the sprayed liquid sticks to the plant’s surface and easily gets absorbed into the plant.

Using Coco-wet also ensures that the sprayed liquid does not evaporate quickly. 


  • The Coco-wet wetting agent mixes easily with all the foliar nutrients.
  • It is organic and non-toxic.
  • The agent increases the uptake of nutrients from the foliar spray.
  • It is non-chemical and safe for both people, animals, and pollinating insects.


  • The agent cannot prevent the plant from attack by pests and diseases. 

If you plan to spray foliar to your plants, spray the Coco-wet wetting agent first for optimal results. It is high time to use Coco-wet wetting agent confidently, given that it is compatible with other foliar sprays.

3. Spray-n-Grow micronutrients

Did you know that most plants only need 16 vital elements? These elements are zinc, sulfur, copper, boron, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, molybdenum, manganese, chlorine, iron, phosphorus, potassium, oxygen, carbon, and calcium.  

There are three main classifications of plant nutrients:

  • Macronutrients: They are the primary mineral nutrients that occur in large quantities. These nutrients include nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus.
  • Secondary mineral nutrients: These nutrients occur in lesser amounts and include calcium, sulfur, and magnesium
  • Micronutrients- Micronutrients occur in tiny amounts. They include hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen.

What is the Spray-N-Grow agent made of?

Now that you have a hint at the significant nutrients used by plants, let’s look at the Spray-N-Grow supplement.

First things first, Spray-N-Grow Micronutrients is made up of nutrients infused in water, which acts as a catalyst for biological processes.

How does the Spray-n-Grow formulation work?

The formulation increases phosphate concentration at the tips of the plant buds, leading to more blooms and increased flower size.

The formulation reconditions the soil, which ends up being a hub for oxygen and water, two vital ingredients for the plant’s growth and development. The end result is dense buds, meaning more yields. 

Spray-N-Grow Micronutrients also activate microorganisms in the soil, which are vital for producing essential nutrients for the plant.

This formulation manages the cumulative stress condition characterized by petrochemical use, salt-buildup, and over-fertilization.


  • The formulation is safe for people, plants, animals, and insects. 
  • The formulation infuses easily to most plants, making it easy for plants to grow healthy.
  • It improves the plant’s health and root structure.
  • It is non-toxic and a biocatalyst.


  • The concentrate might activate dangerous bacteria, which consequently lead to attacks by pathogens.

Spray-N-Grow Micronutrients is the ideal solution for all your soil needs. The sophistication in its manufacture ensures that plants grow healthy. 

4. RAW B-Vitamin

RAW B-Vitamin is a sophisticated plant supplement that is designed to keep all your horticultural needs in place.

The conglomeration of vitamins in the formulation is carefully mixed for optimal results. The formulation is compatible with all other nutrients, and growers can use at different stages of growth.

For optimal results, use this formulation during drought conditions, transplanting, or blooming. The dominant nutrients in RAW B-Vitamin are 1% Vitamin B1, water-soluble, and 9% magnesium.

Directions for use

There are two major things to observe when using RAW-B Vitamin:

  • Shake the package to mix the RAW-B contents well before use.
  • Start small and increase the dosage with time.


  • Raw-B Vitamin is highly soluble, making the growing process easy. 
  • The formulation is organic and non-toxic to people, plants, and pollinating insects.
  • The versatility of the formulation makes it ideal for the whole life cycle of plants.


  • Using large doses of the formulation at the initial stages might adversely affect the plant’s productivity. 

From the above description, it is evident that the manufacturers created RAW B-Vitamin is to increase the plant’s productivity and health. Your plants need essential nutrients, and that’s why RAW-B Vitamin is here to take care of your plants.

5. Lotus Nutrients Grow Pro Series

If you are looking for a supplement that gives your plants a lush look with a rapid growth rate, the Lotus nutrients grow pro series is the real deal.

Manufacturers created this supplement to give your plants tight internodal spacing, thick stems, healthy roots, and dense canopy development. What do the above qualities translate to? A bumper harvest. That simple. 

What gives Lotus Grow Series the X-factor in farming?

The following is a breakdown of the outstanding features that make the Lotus Grow Series unique:

  • Fulvic acid improves the nutrient chelation and uptake in the plant
  • Over 15 uniform nutrients to keep the plant healthy and without any deficiency
  • Fully-soluble, low-sodium, seaweed extract to increase the strength of factors that promote growth
  • 100% chelated and fully-soluble micronutrients
  • Full-spectrum micronutrients and macronutrients integrated for optimal benefits
  • Non-acid forming, neutral PH to suppress the adverse effects that are synonymous with acidic or alkaline levels
  • 100% naturally-occurring and sourced amino acids that are water-soluble for optimal benefits to the plant


  • Organic nutrients for easy uptake by the plant
  • The nutrients are non-toxic to plants, people, and insects
  • Versatility to support the plants at different stages of growth 


  • The powder does not contain chemicals for preventing attacks by pathogens. 

Forget about the “sophisticated” fertilizer that boosts productivity in plants to high levels, Lotus Pro Series Grow is the real deal. The powder’s easy solubility and uptake of nutrients make it easy to use, even among novice growers. However, this powder does not solve problems caused by pathogens. Are you planning to transplant your plants or tend to them? Infuse Lotus Pro Series Grow into them for a bumper harvest. 

Things to do when looking for the best plant nutrients

More people move from organic manure to sophisticated supplements, especially in indoor growing.

Despite the increased popularity of these supplements, few growers understand the basics of using them. Here of the tips to take into account when looking for the best organic plant nutrients:

Test the soil

Before you think of using supplements on your plants, it is advisable to carry out a soil test. A soil test helps you to single out nutrients that your plants lack. This goes a long way to help you choose the right supplement. 

Go organic

Forget about the hyped commercial Ads on mainstream media about sophisticated fertilizers; organic fertilizers are the real deal.

Organic fertilizers should strictly be made from organic materials. In this case, we are talking about byproducts of the food industry, such as chicken remains, alfalfa meal, chicken feathers, and corn gluten meal.

Other byproducts that can be used in organic fertilizers are plant leaves and grass clippings. Additionally, these byproducts must go through the natural decomposition process for optimal results. 

Organic nutrients undergo easy uptake into the plant, unlike chemically-manufactured supplements that undergo a complex process before uptake. Organic nutrients are also less toxic, a feature that makes them safe for use.

Check the macronutrients level. 

More often than not, we overlook the role of macronutrients and instead focus on micronutrients.

The three macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) to a plant’s health should be adequate.

Nitrogen is responsible for the flowering and production of healthy leaves.

On the other hand, phosphorus hastens the flowering and fruiting process.

It also boosts the overall health of the fruits.

Finally, potassium improves the overall health of the plant at different stages of its cycle. In most cases, the ratio should be 7:3:4 for the nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K).

If your plants contain the above nutrients, you can omit using the supplements. 

Take care of the micronutrients.

The average garden soil contains almost all the micronutrients required for a healthy plant.

During a soil test, you should pay attention to calcium, magnesium, and sulfur levels. Other nutrients under this category are manganese, zinc, boron, and molybdenum.

Although plants can still yield optimally when the micronutrients are deficient, adding a supplement to the soil is prudent. The micronutrients not only keep the plant healthy but also makes them resistant to diseases.

Start small and increase gradually.

Using water-soluble supplements is one of the best ways to feed nutrients into a plant since plants’ uptake is easy.

However, using large amounts of supplements can cause “burns” on the plants due to excess uptake of the nutrients. When starting on the plant nutrients, it is advisable to use them in small doses until they adapt.

Once they adapt to the supplements, you can increase their measurements gradually.

Understand your plants

Each plant species requires unique nutrients, and therefore you should learn more about their differences.

Additionally, each plant requires a different set of nutrients at certain stages in their lifecycle. Using the wrong supplements can cause the plant to wither and even die, or reduce the overall productivity. You can involve a horticultural expert to assess your plants and recommend the right nutrients. 


From the above reviews, it is clear that each supplement is tailored to meet different nutrients’ requirements.

Before you buy plant nutrients, you should understand the deficient nutrients to avoid disappointments.

It is also prudent to understand the macronutrients and micronutrients for each plant. If you are not sure what your plant requires, it is advisable to seek help from an expert who can offer unadulterated advice and the best choice for your plants.


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